Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Saturday, May 24, 2008

If I had a Million Dollars . . .

If I received a Millions dollars tomorrow, this is what I would do:

1. Pay off all my debits (this includes the taxes I would receive when I got this money)
2. Buy a good working car with good gas mileage
3. Buy a cheap truck (because I move way to much)
4. Buy a nice 3 bed, 2.5 bath small house or condo/townhouse (cash only so all I would have to worry about is property taxes, etc)(maybe a 4 bed 3 bath place will be considered).
5. Get a passport
6. Take a vacation
7. Open a savings account to save a large amount of it.
8. Open a checking account so I can have my bills (power, cable, cell phone, etc) automatically debited every month
9. Still work where I am currently working and live off that.
10. Send everyone that means something to me or has helped in some way (that I still have contact info on) and send them flowers and/or chocolate or just take them out for a night out on the town.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

I Love . . . Part 11

I loved being in The Interntional Order of Job's Daughters. I still enjoy supporting them and all of their adventures. They are great girls.

I Love . . . Part 10

Being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

I Love . . . Part 9

Being a memeber of the The Order of Eastern Star

I Love . . . Part 8

I Love See's Candies Rum Nugget! I like some other chocolate candies and other See's Candies but this one is my favorite.


I have been waking up every morning with a headache. I have to blow my nose everything morning and there is blood. I also still having issues with falling a sleep ans staying asleep. I keep having crazy dreams. Most of them I don't remember just that they were crazy, weired, scary or whatever.

Friday, May 16, 2008

I Love . . . Part 7

I Love being a member of Daughters of the Nile.

I love helping the Shriners Children's Hospitals!

Check them out at:

Shriner's Childrens Hopsitals: http://www.shrinershq.org/

Daughters of the Nile: http://www.donhq.org/

I Love . . . Part 6

I love Zappos.com

I don't always love my job but Zappos is a great place to work!

I Love . . . Part 5

I love to watch surfing and I wish I knew how!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

I Love . . . Part 4

I Love Purple Roses!

I Love . . . Part 3

I love Peppermint Ice Cream!


Shyness doesn't help anyone specially the person who is shy.

You should learn how to open you mouth and say 'hi' or 'how is your day'. It doesn't matter if they respond to you or not.
You will never know what you could have done for someone if you don't open your mouth and say something.
You won't know how you could have helped someone else if you don't open your mouth and say something.
You won't know how some one's life can change including your own if you don't say anything.

What is the worse that could have happen to you, the person says no. The person doesn't talk to you. Oh well, that is there problem not yours. You did everything you could. You said something and some times that is all it takes.

When you make an effort to do something doesn't matter if you just say hi or ask them how their day was or if you ask them if they need help. Just being there and asking the question can change some one's life. Just being a listening ear can help someone out so much.

Trust me on this, this is from someone who fights shyness all the time. There are times where I am out going and say hi to everyone and there are times where I don't say a word at all. It is all about over coming fears and not worrying about what others think of you.

Monday, May 12, 2008

I Love . . . Part 2

I love Bubble Gum Ice Cream

Sunday, May 11, 2008

I Love . . . Part 1

I Love Tulips!

Iron Man, The Movie

To all those who have not seen this movie yet. Get off your behinds and go. This is a great movie and should be seen on a large screen. Not on a small one like a TV. You will not great it. There are some pretty cool scenes in it. The editing is done well and the camera shots are awesome. The computer images they added are really good and worth checking out. I like the story line and wanted 2 of the characters to get together.

I think you will like it too.


Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day
To all those Mother's out there.
To all those who have been a Mother to me (including my own Mother).
To all of my friends who are Mother's
To all of my family who are Mother's.
And to all those who will be Mother's one day.
I love you all.

Ok Now

Hey everyone,

I am starting to feel better. I am starting to feel like my old self. I am hoping the medication from September is finally getting out of my system. I don't want to do that again. I hope I become crazy like that in 20 years when I go through the real thing.

Things are not bothering me as much as they use to. I am finally getting off my behind and getting my place together.

I got drink Friday, which was a mistake. It surprises me what people do when they know you are drunk and they are not themselves. It doesn't help my trust issues.

Talk to you all later!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Check out my brother's blog called 'Friends'


I think it is very interesting.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

ok Yeah

So as you can tell, I don't know how to name my random thought posts.

I have been so tired lately, all I want to do is sleep. It is driving me nuts. So I got off my butt last night and open some boxes. I wanted to do more but my next door neighbors were fighting with my downstairs neighbors. It was a mess, the cops came and everything.

My Nile Dancer's unit might fold. There are not enough members of the unit to keep it going. I don't know what to do about it. I talked to my grandmother and I will be talking to the Queen on Wednesday. It is not something I want to do but if there are not enough of us, what do you do?

Work is still a mess, now there is a girl who is trying to get me fired. Like I need help. I get myself in enough trouble with my mouth. I hope she comes to peace with herself and leaves me alone.

I am feeling better about myself now. My brother said something to me that shook me 'You are better than them'. I had to think about it for a day and realized he is right. I need to stop letting everything get to me. No one is perfect, no one thinks about or about the out come of their actions and most people are dumb (either by choice or by actions). It is not my responsibility to take care of them (even though I have to work with them).

I have been doing this thing when I breathe in I say 'breath in love' and when I breathe out I say 'blow out hate'. It has been helping out a lot. Specially when things are starting to get to me. I have to remind myself to chill out and relax, it is not your problem and this is just a job, not my life.

The point of my last post was I want a friend that is physically around. A friend that I can have over. I feel like an ass because of my trust issues. I wish I knew how to get over them.

Friday, May 2, 2008

I want to have fun

I have to many things going on in my head all at once. Plus the stress of daily life (work, Nile, OES, family, etc). I ideas for starting my own business. Ideas on how to set up my apartment. I need a vacation. I need to clean and set up my apartment, get my finances in shape and together. I need someone here that I can talk to in person. I know I can call yo all any time but there is a difference between talking to someone on the phone long distance and having someone here. Someone I can show the progress of my apartment to. Someone I can show my projects to and the progress I am making on them. Someone who's face I can see while I talk to them.

I don't know, maybe I have just gone off the depend and just to crazy for everyone.

The Doctor's

Hello Everyone,

I spent all afternoon at the doctor's office today. My thyroid does show lumps but all my blood tests (including the ones they called me to go back for) came up fine. He gave me a shot for my allergies. I also have had a horrible sinus infection this week so he gave me a prescription for antibiotics. I have to see a specialist though for my freckles & moles because a few of them have changed shapes. I am feeling a whole lot better than I was earlier this week.

Thank you for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers. I miss you all!