Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Miss California

I think this issue between Perez Hilton and the Miss California is ridicules. First off how does an evil person like Perez Hilton become a celebrity. He is all about destroying other people's lives. Mainly those who are celebrities. I don't know how he became a so called celebrity when he is so harsh and mean to others. But of course I don't like any celebrity gossip shows, articles, blogs, etc. I turn the station whenever I hear one.

Now for the Miss America contest. How this person became a judge is beyond me. I'm sure there were 100's of people that would have been better for the job than him. I think her right to answer the question the way she felt is to her right.

I am tired of seeing everyone's 1st Amendments rights being attacked. People are now afraid to talk politics and religion to anyone including family and friends. People are being attacked and picketed for their religious beliefs and political views. The people who attack others for their religious and political views are bigots. They should take a hint from Martin Luther King Jr. If they feel something is wrong or should be against the law they should do protests at political places not places of worship. They should introduce bills and laws to be voted on by their state. They should have petitions being signed my thousands and millions of their neighbors. Peace changes the world not violence.

I'm also not a big fan of the media. I feel they are too democratic and not liberal enough or fair enough. I think they don't show both sides of the story but the side they want too. I guess this is the way of the world now. That is too bad.

This is my opinion and no one else’s. If you don't like it, I'm sorry. Everyone had a right to their own opinion whatever it may be.

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